render: In render we put our html, and call our functions mentioned above.

onUpdate: Function is responsible to update specific task's title.onDone: Function is responsible for setting the status of specific task to "Done".onStart: Function is responsible for starting the timer for specific task, it calls the Api to save the start time in the Cosmic's db.onSave: Function creates a new task using the Cosmic api.onChange: Function is responsible to keep the new task title in the state.createNotification: Function which gets a notification type as an argument and puts it in the state for further use.getData: Function which does a call to the API and updates the list of tasks, after what we reset the value of new task input using this.resetForm().ComponentWillMount: This is function which belongs to React component lifecycle, here we just call another method created by us.Constructor: We are setupping new Api service, this gonna be used to connect to the Cosmic API.We use the following methods in our Class:

notification: Current notification name, we also have types for notifications listed below as an object, here are sorted the names for the notification types.showNewTaskInput: Boolean value, responsible for show/hide the new task input.